Prevention of freckles and melasma


Prevention of freckles and melasma

 Multiple methods of treating freckles spots

 and vary depending on skin type and deposition of pigment in the skin, before starting treatment should focus on the importance of prevention to avoid the occurrence and that by treating freckles and melasma.

Reduce exposure to the sun

Use prevention creams depending on the type and colour of the skin and replication when exposed to the sun for a long time.

Must pay attention to the quality of creams and lotions that are placed on the skin and avoid the use of lotions and anonymous or formulations that contain mercury and its adverse effect on the skin.

Taking into account the constantly cleaning the skin to remove sediment from the skin layer.

If the cause of freckles or costs such cases the use of hormonal birth control pills or hormonal drugs, or in cases of pregnancy change the situation improved physiological state of the body after birth as well as the situation improves after stopping the pill.

In cases of genetic reasons or the physiological nature of the body as the only blondes can minimize the appearance of freckles unit and not get rid of it entirely, regardless of commercials advertising some products which confirm complete removal of freckles.

Ways to treat brown spots methods vary depending on the slick, as the physician work examined to determine the type may be Freckles or commissioned or spots caused by infections of the skin if the cost must be to determine whether superficial or deep and so on, as there are factors that affect the effectiveness of the treatment of those spots if the result of hormonal disorders and Mrs. 

compelled to take hormones, treatment is possible to relieve the spots, but not removed by a final, as well as whether the stains caused by frequent exposure to the sun and man was forced to stay in the sun for long periods, the probability of return of those spots after treatment, Ward and expected.

Types of treatment

For skin whitening creams determined by the physician
Removing creams for pigmentation but does not eliminate their last spots.

Electric ironing surface for some cases that do not respond to treatment creams under medical supervision.

And useful to use sandpaper skin that leads to peel off the skin and remove freckles or brown spots from surfactants.

There is also a treatment for chemical peels, is a good way if properly used and were suitable for the type and colour of the skin, where they are preparing the face of the patient's pre- materials certain different ratios focus as the case, leading to peeling off the skin and remove brown spots, and this is done on several sessions, as the case and the power of concentration of the materials used in the peel.

Some types of brown spot treatments affect the fetus, so we do not recommend treatment during pregnancy but are working to reduce those spots as much as possible during this period to begin treatment after birth.

The effectiveness of the laser in the treatment of brown spots
Have been developed by unique types of lasers to treat brown spots and original use depending on skin type and colour.

 And the spot and prevalence, but the doctor has to try out a laser beam on a specific area of places of injury, if occurred in response to the laser is completed treatment, may require treatment case number of hearings by the spread of sports freckles or freckles, the depth, and comes laser positive results where the back skin to freshness again, but it should be noted that the spots freckles or costs could appear again, although rates low because of factors internal or external.

 For the patient, know that sometimes you need to use whitening cream with all the treatments and for lengthy periods so as not to return those spots to emerge, taking into account the lack of sun exposure and use sunscreen regularly.