Interdisciplinary and interagency cooperation
Focus point:
Interdisciplinary and interagency cooperation
For clinical models and transport of human remains
Transport of hazardous materials, especially infectious diseases, is important Safely maintained in accordance with the regulations.
The World Health Organization has come close to promoting this Collaborate with UN specialist organizations such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
And other agencies that have a formal clinical relationship with the World Health Organization within the framework of intergovernmental engagement.
And actors, including the International Air Transport Association (IATA).
Such cooperation has been essential since the inception of the COVID-19 pandemic
Clinical samples are exported in real-time. ICOO and IATA endorse WHO classification
COVID-19 not only for clinical models and cultures but also for ensuring compliance with IATA members air Operators.
Published by the World Health Organization Guidelines on Laboratory biosecurity for Clinical Testing.
Samples of patients meeting the case definition of COVID-19.
Based on this partnership with ICAO and IATA, a collaborative document providing guidance
COVID-19 human remains are also returned by Air1.
It was made US CDC collaborates with WHO Cooperative Center for Bio-Safety and biosecurity of the World Health Organization provides technical expertise on related topics including biosafety, point-of-entry and risk Evaluation, infection prevention and control.
COVID-19 means transport of infected human remains, in this case, repatriated
Cases from one country to another for burial at the request of close relatives.
This requires complex, careful adjustment and proper coordination. There is nothing universal right now.
The applicable standard or contract is the Strasbourg Agreement on the transfer of Council organisms.
About 20 states provide a wonderful reference point for Europe.
Important issues to be solved when transporting human COVID-19 supplements
1) Special guidance on PPE for mortuary workers, religious elders or others
Contact the deceased directly.
2) Respect the dignity of the dead and their families in a cultural and religious manner
3) Encourage funeral practices and practices that balance family rights with loss
Susceptibility to infection depending on each case.
4) the shipping of diverse, sometimes competing terms and requirements of countries of origin Destination and flight operators