If you are a woman in your 30s, 40s, or 50s, it is time to take into consideration vitamin D. This marvelous little vitamin plays the main role in many of the body's processes and is on the A-list for women health during menopause. Studies have linked it to preventing heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, cancer, and weight gain.
If you are targeting single vitamin for prevention, then your choice of Vitamin D is definitely the right choice, like other vitamins like C or B.
It is one of the fat-soluble vitamins and it is the only vitamin that is synthesized in the body, so it can be classified as one of the hormones in the body, and it is similar in the way it works. Hormones in the body, and vitamin D of great importance for females, which will be discussed in detail in this article.
However, vitamin D is distinctive in that it functions more like a hormone than a vitamin, and as we know from a deficiency in other hormones such as insulin and thyroid hormone, hormone deficiency can cause many problems that seem unrelated.
After childhood, Sunshine vitamin Severe shortage can occur in young women, including pregnant women. Current guidelines for daily vitamin D intake during pregnancy range from 200 international units (IU) daily to 400 international units.
In one study, 500 pregnant women for 12 weeks took at least 400, 2,000, or 4,000 international units of vitamin D per day. Women who took 4,000 IU were less likely to start preterm labor, and to give birth prematurely, according to the study.
According to recent research, not only are high doses of Riboflavin safe for women's health during pregnancy but double it may actually reduce the risk of complications, researchers found.
The problem may be exacerbated by limited exposure to sunlight and diets rich in calories but poor in nutrients such as a deficiency of multiple nutrients, affecting both the mother and the developing fetus.
It is important to be aware of taking vitamin D as you approach menopause because research is discovering its role and benefits in preventing many of the diseases and The most common conditions with your age.
You may be familiar with vitamin D as an aid for calcium absorption and bone-building, but it is involved in many other processes that protect you from illnesses and health problems.
Vitamin D deficiency is a common health condition that may affect girls, but what are the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in girls?
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in girls and women.
1- Back and bone pain
vitamin d affects bone health, the impact of vitamin d Shortage on back and bone pain, Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones in more ways than one. Among them, it helps the bones absorb calcium.
A pregnant woman feels pain from many symptoms, annoying pains and the hormonal changes that accompany them, which are considered normal during pregnancy, and among the most painful during that period is bone, joint, and muscle pain, especially as it progresses in the months of pregnancy. Hormonal changes, an increase in body weight, and normal physical changes are among the most important reasons for feeling this pain, but sometimes you may make some mistakes that may increase the severe pain by accident.
Causes of bone pain when pregnant
- disregard to eat foods rich in calcium, which is necessary for your health and the health of your fetus, increases the softness of the bones, and thus increases joint and bone pain. Therefore, you must eat more foods rich in calcium and dairy products, to increase the rate of calcium absorption, and be sure to take the calcium doses that the doctor prescribes for you as well.
- Not getting enough sun exposure, which reduces your calcium absorption and increases bone and joint pain during pregnancy.
- Excessive eating unhealthy food, thinking that you are eating for you and your fetus, but you are in fact exposing yourself to a significant weight gain twice the natural increase you gain due to pregnancy, which increases your severe pain in the spine, knees, and ankles, and strains your pelvic muscles.
- Lying on the left side only when sleeping, as this position increases the joint pain and numbness in the joints, so you should change the sleeping position between the right and left sides and not load on one side only.
- Excessive stress, standing or sitting for long periods, and not getting enough rest, all leads to increased pain in the back, knees, and ankles.
- Neglecting to drink large amounts of water, or at least 12 cups, increases your risk of osteoarthritis during pregnancy.
- The wear of high heels harms the condition of the spine and increases lower back pain, heel pain, and arthritis of the knees during pregnancy.
- Driving for long distances causes an increase in muscle tension in the back, neck, and shoulders, which increases their pain during pregnancy.
- Carrying bags or heavy things during pregnancy leads to more pain in the lower back, ankles, and knee joints.
- Neglecting vitamin D intake and deficiency in your body during pregnancy leads to increased pain in all bones of the body, and chronic pain in muscles and joints.
Surveys have indicated a clear relationship between low levels of vitamin D and lower back pain.
In another study, it was found that individuals with vitamin D Shortage had a double chance of developing bone pain in the legs, ribs, and joints, compared to individuals with vitamin D deficiency.
2- Weak immune system
Vitamin "D" plays a major role in animating and make healthy for the immune system in the women body, and it helps effectively in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium from the small intestine, and the reabsorption of calcium in the kidneys, and also helps prevent respiratory infections or reduce their severity, especially for those who suffer from its deficiency.
according to What has been confirmed by scientific studies, where it has shown that strengthening the immune system is one of the best guarantees, not to be infected with any diseases or viruses.
Because it interacts directly with the important cells responsible for confronting the pathogens to which it is exposed and strengthening them.
Therefore, if it is frequent, especially with the flu and the common cold, this is an indication that levels of vitamin D are likely low in the bloodstream because several studies have indicated a link between having respiratory illnesses and low levels of the vitamin. D - inside the body.
having respiratory illnesses and low levels of the vitamin. D - inside the body.
3- Extreme tiredness and fatigue
Fatigue has many causes, and vitamin D deficiency can be one of them.
You might be too tired to even manage your daily affairs or be unable to work at work or be productive at home.
A lot of research has suggested linking a very low rate of vitamin D to fatigue, which has a very negative impact on a person's quality of life. According to medical recommendations, levels below 20 ng/ml indicate lower levels of vitamin D.
In one of the experiments, it was found that a woman was suffering from severe stress during the day and when she underwent a vitamin D test, it was found that its level was 5.6 ng/ml, which is a very low result, and then due to vitamin D, her tension decreased.
4- Mood swings associated with depression.
lots of things can impact how your disposition changes for the duration of the day, and day by day bothers and sudden amazements - great or disagreeable - can change your state of mind. A depressed mood may be a sign of a vitamin D deficiency.
Studies have shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and depression. In a 2013 study, researchers noted that participants suffering from depression had low levels of vitamin D.
Researchers believe that the reason for this relationship is the importance of vitamin D in maintaining brain health, and therefore low levels of nutrients can play a role in the occurrence of depression and other mental illnesses, and a 2005 study determined that vitamin D receptors are found in the same areas associated with depression. In the brain.
This confirmed a link between low vitamin D levels and feelings of depression.
In one such research, vitamin D Rates are linked to anxiety and depression in patients with FMS.
Patients with fibromyalgia have less mobility and decreased functional ability. Vitamin D intake may be sub-optimal in MS patients.
Depression is associated with poor diet and obesity, which reduces mobility, and adherence to vegetarian diets, with little or no vitamin D, is a popular alternative treatment option for patients with fibromyalgia.
The mean vitamin D concentration in all patients was 40.0 nmol / L (IQ 30.0-58.8). There was no relationship between vitamin D Rates, FIQ score, or HADS score, and whether the patient was taking antidepressant medications.
5-Slow wound Healing and Cuts
Wounds or sores that take more than a few weeks to heal might be infected and require medical treatment, and it may take more time to repair the damaged skin, how to treat them.
It has been recently proven to scientists through research studies that vitamin D shows beneficial effects in various vascular diseases by promoting angiogenesis and inhibiting inflammatory responses.
One study that examined the role of vitamin D in healing skin wounds in mice with diabetes induced by streptozotocin concluded that taking vitamin D supplements can significantly speed up the rate of wound healing.
A laboratory study indicated that vitamin D stimulates the production of compounds that aid in the repair of injured skin and in the healing process.
In a study of wounds in patients with diabetes, it was found that vitamin plays an indirect role in wound healing due to its effect in improving blood sugar control.
6- Hair loss
Hair loss is associated with psychological stress, but when hair loss is severe, it is usually caused by severe nutritional deficiencies.
Research shows that lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to hair loss and the results are confirmed. It plays an important role in stimulating new and old hair follicles and producing thicker hair. When there is not enough vitamin D in your system, new hair growth can stop.
Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease described by severe hair loss in the head and other areas of the body that is clearly associated with rickets.
In a study of individuals suffering from alopecia areata (alopecia areata), an association was found between low levels of vitamin D and severe hair loss.
7-General muscle weakness
- It is difficult for us to identify a clear cause of muscle weakness and pain.
- Muscle weakness occurs when your full effort does not result in a normal muscle contraction or movement.
- Most muscle cramps during pregnancy appear for women in the lower extremities, especially the legs.
- A muscle contraction or spasm is an involuntary contraction of a muscle or group of muscles that appear suddenly and often at night.
- A cramp during pregnancy may occur in any muscle or muscle group, but the most common is cramping that occurs in the legs. It is also possible to have cramps in the muscles of the back or abdomen.
- In a study conducted, 71% of individuals with chronic muscle pain were also deficient in Sunshine vitamin.
- The cause of the neuron receptors is the pain receptors, which are the ones that stimulate the feeling of pain.
- Another starlight study in muscle cells.
- And a study that was conducted reported that taking high-dose dietary supplements containing vitamin D has benefits for reduces the feeling of pain.
How to compensate for vitamin D deficiency in girls and women
Vitamin D Shortage is common in general, and it may be especially common in women and many overlook it and its diagnosis.
The reason is due to its symptoms, which are not specific and bear many diagnoses, which means that it is difficult to determine whether these symptoms are due to low levels of vitamin D in the bloodstream or another diagnosis.
If you are in doubt about whether you suffer from a Shortage in vitamin D, you must speak with your specialist doctor to get the appropriate examination with the appropriate diagnosis.
Fortunately, vitamin D deficiency is easy to treat. by:
1. Increase your exposure to the sun.
2. Increase the consumption of foods containing vitamin D.
3. Take nutritional supplements that contain and are fortified with vitamin D.
Vitamin D benefits for women
Vitamin D offers many benefits for women's health, including the following:
- Promote bone and dental health:
by regulating calcium and maintaining the phosphorous rate in the blood, which prevents women from developing osteoporosis, or weak bone and muscle density.
- Might Help Prevent Colds And Flu
A published analysis suggests that vitamin D can help reduce the risk of developing women's respiratory infections, including the common cold and flu - especially among people who do not get enough of the vitamin from the diet or exposure to sunlight.
Vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and Echinacea have pivotal roles in three main immunoreactive clusters (physical barriers, innate, and adaptive immunity) in terms of prevention and treatment. The present narrative review demonstrated the current evidence of efficacy for zinc, vitamins D, and C.
- Maintaining pregnancy health :
It protects the pregnant woman from the occurrence of bacterial vaginitis, reduces the risk of high blood pressure that leads to preeclampsia, and prevents premature labor, and it should be noted that high vitamin D in a pregnant woman can increase the risk of eating. Allergy in children during the first two years of his life.
Vitamin D helps the body fight diseases, reduces the appearance of bountiful health disorders such as multiple sclerosis, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
Taking vitamin D supplements helps treat depression and improve mood in women with symptoms of depression and anxiety.
- Parts of aiding weight loss:
Vitamin D shortage impairs and slows down metabolism, so women trying to lose weight or follow a weight loss diet should get vitamin D supplements, and the researchers pointed out the importance of vitamin D and calcium in suppressing appetite and aiding in weight loss.
- Vitamin D and breast cancer
Breast cancer mortality rates tend to be higher in areas with lower levels of sunlight in the winter and lower in sunny areas, women are regularly exposed to sunlight, and consumers with higher than average amounts of Sunshine vitamin have significantly lower rates of breast cancer.
Perimenopausal ovarian cancer mortality rates were also lower in sunny regions, although ones
- Vitamin D is very important for strengthening the immune system, which fights the virus that causes Covid-19 disease.
vitamin D benefits for women may help to stay healthy and enjoy a good mood during the Corona pandemic, and we advise everyone, whether a woman or a man of all ages, to be exposed to the sun for 20 minutes a day to obtain the vitamin from the main source, and if not, you should obtain it from nutritional supplements and foods rich in it.
Vitamin D benefits for women Research has shown that the presence of good levels of vitamin "D" in the women's body helps maintain the health of the immune system and protects against respiratory diseases in general, and thus better confront the epidemic.
A recent study indicated that patients with corona, and who have adequate rates of vitamin "D", decrease their risk of death, and the negative symptoms of the virus decrease.
Sunshine vitamin is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and boost the function of immune cells, including T cells and macrophages, which fight infection.
Low Rates of vitamin D have been associated with increased susceptibility to infections, disease, and immune-related disorders.
Low levels of this vitamin are associated with an increased risk of developing respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as viral and bacterial respiratory infections.
We mentioned the importance of vitamin D in enhancing the immunity against viruses, We are referring that zinc is an essential nutrient factor for improving the immunity system during corona pandemic too, Vitamin C cannot be dispensed with either, as this trio is a wall that repels many viruses while following precautionary measures.
The health benefits of vitamin D for women near 50
As women approach the age of 50, preserving their beauty becomes their only concern, and we see them rushing to plastic surgeries to achieve a more youthful appearance.
But in addition to this method, there are natural anti-aging methods they should use, including vitamins.
Vitamin D considered one of the very important vitamins for the body, as it works to balance calcium in the body, and it also works to renew blood cells in the body, enhance the health of the body's immune system, and helps in mineral deposits in the bones, and reduces the risk of women developing breast cancer.
It is recommended to take 2.5 micrograms of vitamin D daily, as it is found in foods such as eggs, dairy products, oily fish, and meat, and when exposed to sunlight for a quarter of an hour a day, this stimulates the liver's production of vitamin D.
vitamin D Benefits for women skin
The skin absorbs vitamin D most of the time from sunlight, as the body converts cholesterol into vitamin D, reaching the liver and kidneys to transport it to all parts of the body, to help form healthy cells, and this definitely includes the skin, so vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for the women skin.
Sunshine vitamin plays an important role in maintaining skin tone, and it also helps treat psoriasis.
A person manufactures calcitriol, which is a type of vitamin D and is included in topical creams for psoriasis.
A 2009 study found that using calcitriol reduces skin inflammation and irritation in people with psoriasis, with few negative side effect
10 foods rich in vitamin "d"
1. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
Like mackerel, salmon, and tuna, they are excellent sources of vitamin D. 100 grams of salmon and mackerel provide 91% of the daily recommended value of vitamin D.
2. Mushrooms.
Mushrooms are one of the best sources of vitamin D, and it is the only plant source of vitamin D. Mushrooms are exposed to sunlight during their growth, which increases the value of vitamin D due to their ability to manufacture this vitamin.
3. Milk.
Raw organic milk is fortified with Vitamin D. Drinking moderate amounts of whole milk helps you stay healthy and fit. A cup of raw cow's milk will provide 24% of the recommended daily value for vitamin D.
4. eggs.
Another amazing source of vitamin D, which is eggs, especially egg yolks, it is a very popular option for getting a dose of it, one must remember to eat whole eggs, and not throw out the yolk, because the yolk is the one that exists. It mostly contains it.
5. Orange juice.
A cup of orange juice will provide you with copious amounts of it and calcium. Eating oranges daily at breakfast helps reduce the risk of shortage.
6. Oats
Oats are a great source of various vitamins and minerals as well. In addition to containing it, half a cup of oatmeal can provide up to 39% of vitamin D.
7. Shrimp
High in omega-3 fatty acids, shrimp is good for lowering inflammation and lowering cholesterol, and it is a great source of vitamin B12.
8. Butter
This milk product contains a small but important amount of vitamin D and provides 9 units of it. Butter contains saturated fats, which the body requires to absorb antioxidants.
9. Yogurt
Eating yogurt can help increase the absorption of calcium in the body. A cup of yogurt can help you meet 20% of the recommended daily value.
Yogurt is also one of the best foods that help you stay healthy.
10. Soy products
A rich source of vitamin D, you consume soy products such as soy milk, soy butter provides you with the required amount, if you are severely deficient in vitamin D, it may be a good idea to replace dairy products with soybeans for some time, and dairy products give you only calcium while soy gives you All the nutrients needed for bone health.